Cold Spoontacular.............
Maybe Uri Geller could bend it back down?
Ever heard of a cold spoon being used to, um..... er....... well reduce male appetite for the fairer sex?? I'm sure you have you pervert! Well like most, I have heard of it but never really thought about the mechanics of the whole process. Until now, when I have nothing else to post on this blog.
So I did a bit of research on the net and to my astonishment there was nothing! Not even on my trusty friend wikipedia! So where exactly has this saying/urban myth come from? How does it work? Lifes big questions examined daily on this hard hitting blog, but, today no answers...................thats where you the reader comes in.
I need help (snigger), how does it work?? I dont care if you dunno, just have a half assed guessed. We'll get to the bottom of this.
OK, just so you dont get all self conscious I'll even start with the theorising. It definitely doesn't relate to the type of spoon below, as even in the cold I'm sure this produced the opposite effect:
I'll even donate a spoon to the best guess, but you'll have to cool it yaself you pervert...........
Well it quiet simple really. If u have a hard on yu wish to get rid of quickly (mind you need to keep a spoon in the fridge or freezer) take a cold spoon and with the back of the spoon whack your knob with it. Hey Pressto hard on gone.
Anonymous, at 12:33 AM
Well if you only need to wack it, why does it have to be cold? I never understood that?
mushroom, at 12:35 AM
You'll have to give it a try Mushroom and let us know the difference between cold or not. Maybe heat the spoon with boiling water
Anonymous, at 12:37 AM
And if you don't have a cold spoon handy, Kramer, just use that technique I mentioned at the drinks a few weeks ago.
Works for me.
Every time...
fingers, at 12:58 AM
i think anything cold would work, even if it wasnt a spoon. ver heard of shrinkage? where is cold and your nob gets shorter? same thing i guess
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM
um yes, thankyou for your contribution to science.........
mushroom, at 3:54 PM
Movies taught me that men think of other things...dead puppies and the like...I was obviously mislead.
So do men keep a cold spoon handy for whipping out during innappropriate stiffy moments eg. while shopping, during a meeting etc?
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
Think of rome my anonymous friend.
mushroom, at 4:47 PM
ive heard dead babies, dog food, and wombat gine are all things that you can think of to get rid of your um... thingy... doing that thing...
Mex, at 6:14 PM
I reckonhether it works depends on ..erm.. the size of the spoon doesnt it??
Anonymous, at 7:52 PM
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fingers, at 9:03 PM
Hey Kramer...your missus sounds sweet...
fingers, at 9:14 PM
You can't prove a thing...
fingers, at 9:22 PM
Oh oh....
fight! fight! fight! fight! fight! fight!....
WJ, at 9:36 PM
is that your cat shroom? your namesake?
Mex, at 9:41 PM
that IS my gf mex......
mushroom, at 9:49 PM
Is it a russian blue mushie?
I've got one too... called Inigo. Bloody HUGE cat.
actonb, at 9:55 PM
i know its your gf. i can see that.
Mex, at 9:58 PM
He is a russion blue b.
mushroom, at 10:10 PM
ah yes actonb, another closet geek/Princess Bride fan... busted
WJ, at 10:35 PM
I love and adore Burmese cats.
Man, its getting spooky.
Thursday's Child, at 10:47 PM
well, to relieve all your spookedness, I don't much like cats. Actually, I should say I have had cats, and don't dislike them, they just interest me as much as the standard human interests the average cat - not much. Now dogs on the other hand are much more fun...
WJ, at 10:56 PM
i like all the orientals. Abyssinians also are a fairly cool kind of cat. Siamese are hot, but whine too much.
Burmeses are tops. ours was so fab.
Mex, at 11:11 PM
spoonful of my lovin'!
what about sporks?
Anonymous, at 11:11 PM
I had a lovely Himalayan cat - they are great - but I also had dogs too - so like 'em both.
Thursday's Child, at 11:46 PM
i had dogs once... but the medication cleared it up straight away.
Mex, at 12:20 AM
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