Clownin Around
So clowns - funny or freaky? Personally I have always loathed them. If you have to go to all that effort to look funny, you obviously arent. And plus they are renowned for showing up in public places and heckling - I call it harrassment.
Well it appears that I am am not alone in my dislike for these unfunny theatrical creations. There is even a pyschological condition for people that are genuinely scared shitless of them - Coulrophobic.
Now I dont know whats worse - clowns or those that genuinely fear them. Whilst I dislike them, I do not fear them and have been kicking them in the shins since I was a youngster.
So what are your experiences with clowns? Like or dislike?
I was never a fan when I was a kid, but now with some of my friends having kids *shudder* i love clowns, they keep the rug rates entertained for hours - the best babysitters
Doll Face, at 5:33 PM
I think Stephen King spooked people with the movie "IT".
I'm not scared of clowns, but I'm not really fond of them either. Ronald McDonald is a little freaky with that big grin.
David Stehle, at 6:24 PM
Diamondkt, IT definitely killed any love I ever had for clowns. Made me scared of plumbing for a while too.
Don't remember linking the freaky buggers very much even before that though ...
MissE, at 6:30 PM
Ms Smack, at 6:31 PM
Next time you are maccas ask Ronald about the other 'Mchappy Meal'.
mushroom, at 6:51 PM
Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me.
Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me
Anonymous, at 7:30 PM
Everybody loves a clown ... so why don't you?
MissE, at 8:24 PM
mushroom, at 8:29 PM
Clowns are the reason canned laughter was invented.
And they have gingervitus.
mushroom, at 8:30 PM
Kinko, the Kid Loving Clown (JJJ 1985.)
I rest my (anti-clown) case.
Mountjoy, at 8:42 PM
There was a Buffy episode about nightmares coming true.
Xander's was the clown from his 6th? birthday party comingback to get him.
Freaky homicidal clown
Don't like clowns.
actonb, at 9:15 PM
99% of all clowns have herpes simplex...
fingers, at 10:37 PM
Mone, at 11:33 PM
Can't stand them! I'm not scared of them, I don't find them funny or entertaining. I know a real clown. She's lovely but I've never seen her perform. Don't want to.
ChickyBabe, at 12:12 AM
Creep me out too. Oh and bearded men.*shudders*
Steph, at 6:05 AM
Sadly, it is hard to think about clowns, modernly, without thinking about John Wayne Gacy.
(Did you ever notice that white guy serial killers have three names, like "Lee Harvey Oswald"? If I ever have a son, I am going to not give him a middle name. You're welcome, in advance, for all the lives I will save.)
Another thing that bugs me about clowns is that whenever you tell someone to "send in the clowns," you look around, and say "don't bother; they're here." How did the clowns KNOW I was going to send for them? Are they psychic? Or, like Labrador retrievers, are they just good at reading the emotions of humans, through years of "king's jester"-training??
No--modernly, the only clown I can stand is the one clown who admitted he was evil--Frenchie T. Clown. At least, that clown was honest in his self-assessment. Sort of like Robert Evans with make-up and better diction.
Zen Wizard, at 10:15 AM
two cannibals eating a clown.... one turns to the other and says "does this taste funny to you?" yeah.. yeah... I know. but it had to be said.
Anonymous, at 8:43 PM
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