Stoners Thoughts No 3.
Its common knowledge that fertility rates in the western world have been declining for quite some time. We are fatter (and good at justifying it), more stressed and ingest a heap more chemicals than we are sposed to. We are wealthier, which seems to be the biggest problem, which makes us unhealthier, makes contraception and abortion easier to access and we are more self centred. The list goes on and on and on................
So maybe rather than the world ending with a bang we just fade away, not able to replace ourselves at a rate to stop population decline. Well I sure wish that some sociological groups would.
Its quality not quantity EG. But keep the good work up. If you dont have the quality of ammunition, go for the machine gun approach.
By mushroom, at 4:14 PM
Who's baby is that, shrooms? Is there something you're not telling us? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
By MissE, at 4:58 PM
Shroom - the maudlin introspection that has gripped us all seems to have you tight within it's maw.
Poor babe.
But... interesting trouble-shooting technique.
By actonb, at 5:04 PM
They dont call it dope for nothing...
By mushroom, at 5:13 PM
Well that's depressing!
We'll go the way of the dinosours.
By Steph, at 7:33 PM
Mushie...that is one of the stupidest things I've ever read.
And I read Mex's blog...
By fingers, at 7:52 PM
Thankfully you are livin proof of the hypothesis finger bun
By mushroom, at 8:16 PM
What hypothesis, Crack Head ???
That the human race will go extinct due to reproductive apathy ?? That one day the last pair of breeding humans left will realise, too late, that they should have been getting a little busier ??
As a student of the maths (and I know you are too), the population may well stage a Malthusian food-related crash, or decline when we reach peak oil (assuming no clean fuel solution is reached beforehand)...but we can't just die of apathy. A meteorite maybe, epidemic perhaps, atomic dissolution's a fair chance...but not sheer procreative laziness...
By fingers, at 8:46 PM
Quick, to the funk and wagnalls nerd boy.......
By mushroom, at 9:10 PM
Too busy choppin' up to bother with you today, Squiggle...
By fingers, at 9:20 PM
Now THAT hurts.....
By mushroom, at 9:40 PM
Fertility might be declining in the Western World but in the Eastern World still riding (too) high. I think the world would be lovely with roughly half the population there is now. Imagine, loads of space. I personally think that the human race will largely be extinct by 2025.
This is why I will not be giving up smoking.
By Frobisher, at 3:57 AM
I did my part
to further the species.
brag, brag...
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